Business Disaster Recovery
Protect and Secure your Data with our Metro Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution.
A recent study discovered that, of companies experiencing a “major loss” of computer records, 43 percent never reopened, 51 percent closed within two years of the loss, and a mere 6 percent survived over the long-term. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in particular, these statistics suggest the necessity of crafting a Business Continuity Planning (BCP) strategy grounded in a robust data backup and recovery solution.
Unlike enterprises, many smaller companies cannot afford optimal in-house strategies and solutions in service of BCP. These companies are consequently at an elevated risk of being put out of business due to any major loss of data.
Loss of data could mean emails lost, accounting data lost, patient or client files lost, company records lost, client legal records or orders lost and so on.
Metro BDR provides an affordable, enterprise class BCP solution to address SMB needs. Highlights of the Service include:
- A complete solution that is designed to reduce any server down time with the use of a specialized back up and virtual server appliance that “bullet proofs” your data
- Allows near real-time backups-as frequent as every 15 minutes
- Offers offsite storage at an affordable cost
- Provides a low cost, speedy disaster recovery process
- Data is encrypted so it is not accessible to anyone, either on the NAS or at the remote storage facility without the passkey
- Eliminates the cost and time of managing on-site tape backup. We monitor and manage the entire process.
- All costs including: frequent on-site backups, on-site virtual server, remote storage, disaster recovery (in the event of disaster), and 24×7 management of the entire process are bundled at a price that is comparable to the overall cost of buying and managing tape backup.
Get your disaster recovery plan in line today.