Identity Management
Get cloud identity and access management solution on your terms
Do you want to simplify how your company maintains identity management? Are you looking for an access directory that is easier to manage? Metro CSG can provide the tools to keep your cloud infrastructure secure and streamlined.
Simplify access
Providing a simple, unified access system streamlines your business and makes your office run more smoothly. Windows Azure Active Directory is a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution. Metro CSG helps you use cloud technology to manage user accounts throughout Windows Azure, Microsoft Office 365 and non-Microsoft SaaS applications as well.
Boost security
You want to make sure that your data is protected. Control who has access to what information and know how that information is being used. Metro CSG enables you to use Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication to help prevent unauthorized access to both on-premises and cloud applications by providing an additional layer of authentication. This service helps to reduce organizational risk and help comply with data protection and identity assurance regulations, while addressing user demand for a simple sign-in process.